Fit Kids® had a great time at Freedom Plaza in Washington DC supporting Children’s National Hospital for the 2nd Annual Race for Every Child on Saturday, September 13, 2014. There were more than 4.600 runners and walkers for the 5k, 500 children who participated in the Kid’s Dash, and more than $1,060,000 was raised for Children’s National Health System.
Fit Kids® once again provided our Fun Zones which included Hula Hoopla, Wacky Relays, Obstacle courses, Football Madness, Baseball All Stars, Frisbee Golf, Mini Golf Targets, My Plate activities and More!
Fit Kids® was lucky enough to be asked to lead the on-stage warm ups this year prior to the race. We had Ms. Michelle Cabral spice up the warmup- Zumba style. She got the crowd warmed up and ready to go!
Fit Kids® would like to thank all of our Fit Kids® staff and volunteers! They truly made the difference and the event wouldn’t have been the same without them! We would also like to Thank our Fit Kids® Race Team – we had 15 Team Members!
The Finish Line is just the beginning and Children’s National encourages everyone to continue to support our children. November 1, 2014 is the deadline to fund-raise for the Race, so keep it up!