- Marine Corps Marathon Healthy Kids Fun Run October 27, 2012
On Saturday, October 27, 2012, Fit Kids™ partnered with the Marine Corps Marathon Healthy Kids Fun Run at the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. Fit Kids hosted Fitness Fun Zones that got the children moving before and after their run. We offered a wide array of activities for the 3,600 runners. From various Relays, Basketball, Football, Obstacle courses, Hockey, and Hula Hoops. Our special guest was the USDA’s Power Panther mascot who helped charge up the kids for the run. In addition, Fit Kids had a nutrition station which included My Plate coloring and healthy eating games that helped children learn the importance of eating from all of the major food groups. We had a blast at The Healthy Kids Fun Run!
Continue reading → - Pat the Roc August 16, 2012
This month, the Fit Kids™ DC™ Program brought Pat the Roc to Martha’s Table. Pat the Roc is considered the world’s best ball handler. As Cindy Anderson from Fit Kids DC commented, “he is great with the kids and has a fantastic teaching personality.” He emphasizes the importance of believing AIP: Anything Is Possible.
Pat the Roc showed of some of his skills and taught life lessons while playing games with the kids. He challenged one of the students to repeat his ball-handling skills, starting off easy and then taking the student by surprise on the third round with a very difficult pattern. The student watched in shock, but Pat the Roc told him the purpose of the activity was to see how he reacted. Pat said it would take a lot of practice to be able to learn the ball handling skills but that they could do it. He said “it is the same thing in life, you are going to have challenges and obstacles, but it is about how you react to the situation that matters.” He pointed out that reacting positively and being motivated can help you to achieve your goals.
They also played a group game, ‘You’ve Been Tricked’, and someone yelled out “let’s play again” as soon as they finished. One kid said his favorite part was “playing Pat the Roc one-on-one.”Visit http://www.pattheroc.com/#/ to find out more about Pat the Roc, watch his videos, and read his blog.
The kids also got a lesson about healthy eating. Sydney Potter, the Fit Kids intern from George Mason University, taught the kids the inportance of eating whole grains vs. enriched.
Thank you to Fit Kids and Pat the Roc for the lessons you are teaching our kids and the smiles you brought!
Story and photos from Martha’s Table website.
Continue reading → - Let’s Move! Visited Martha’s Table June 22, 2012
Let’s Move! came to Martha’s Table with help from Fit Kids DC. The First Lady started the initiative in 2010 with the objective to end childhood obesity and improve the health of children in the United States.
The kids participated in many various activities around the playground including soccer, sports training drills, sac races, three legged races, frisbee tossing, and much more! The playground was full of smiles as they excitedly learned Zumba and danced with their teachers to music played by the Safe in the Streets DJ and MC.
President of Martha’s Table, Lindsey Bus said “Our Let’s Move! event was great because of the attention it brought to the important issue of childhood obesity and the fun and easy solutions it highlighted.
Guest speakers from The President’s Council on Fitness Sports & Nutrition and The office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and Aladdin from WPGC 95.5, talked to the kids as a large group about healthy habits.
Read entire article here.
Continue reading → - Alice Deal flash mob dances for ‘Let’s Move!’ May 9, 2012
From wjla.com: It’s been two years since First Lady Michelle Obama began her “Let’s Move!” campaign. To celebrate, students at Alice Deal Middle School in Washington, D.C. danced with some guys who can really move.
“They stay sitting all day. It’s just a good opportunity for them to get up and get out and run,” Jen Myers, with Fit Kids, said.
Joining tho
usands of other students nationwide in a flash mob workout, students danced side by side with D.C. pro athletes.
NFL Linebacker and former Washington Redskin Rocky McIntosh said, “I love to dance. Every time I make a play, I’m out there dancing.”
The goal of Obama’s program is to show children what they can accomplish with exercise and a healthy lifestyle.
Myers added, “It gives the kids a great opportunity to see these players having fun doing what they’re doing.”
And at Alice Deal, they’ve made the teachings of the “Let’s Move!” campaign a part of the curriculum.
“They know P.E. Is going to be sweating, they know they’re getting their heart rate up,” Neal Downing, the athletic director at Alice Deal, said.
After all the dancing was done, another mob formed. This time, for autographs.
See this story along with more photos from the event on WAT -AHH! NEWS!
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